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Our Mission

To empower mature students with a comprehensive and forward-thinking high school education, White Pines High School merges innovative technology with conventional pedagogical approaches, preparing mature students for the challenges of higher education and global citizenship.

Our Vision

Our vision is to ascend as a premier high school acclaimed for cultivating a community of adult students proficient in technology, exceptional in academic pursuits, and inclusive in cultural diversity.


White Pines High School aims to nurture and graduate mature students who are not only accomplished but adept in technological skills, ready to contribute positively to a diverse global society. Our goal is to integrate innovative technology with traditional educational methods to develop critical thinkers and lifelong learners. We strive to offer a comprehensive education that equips mature students with the necessary tools to succeed in higher education and become active, informed global citizens. This goal encapsulates the high school’s dedication to providing a well-rounded education that values technological proficiency, academic excellence, and cultural inclusivity, aligning with the school’s mission of empowerment through education and its vision of becoming a leading institution.

Message from the Principal

Dear Students,

I am honored to welcome you to White Pines High School, an institution where academic rigor meets innovative learning in the heart of Kingston, Ontario. As the principal, I am deeply committed to fostering an environment that not only nurtures intellectual curiosity but also encourages personal growth and development in our mature students.

At White Pines High School, we are proud to offer a curriculum that is designed to prepare our mature students for the complexities of the modern world. Our approach to education is holistic; we believe in the power of integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional learning methods to create a dynamic and engaging educational experience.

Message from the Principal

We understand that each student brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to our school. It is our mission to cultivate these individual talents and encourage every student to reach their full potential. Our dedicated faculty are not just educators, but mentors who are committed to guiding our adult students on their journey of learning and self-discovery.

As we embark on this academic year, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we will strive for excellence, celebrate our successes, and support each other through challenges. Welcome to White Pines High School, where your educational journey is just beginning.


Tara Teeling